
Instafire Skurper Rig by Pat Lee Glass @culturerisingPosted by @culturerising

I don’t know Patrick Lee Glass, but I do now. This Instafire impressed the hell out of me right out of the gates. Shouts out to IG’er Culture Rising on the post here.

This is a gorgeous encalmo styled, sand blasted mini-tube. The lines are clean and the little opal is absolutely to die for. It’s a 10mm which means flavor for days. The 10mm Quave Club Banger is your insurance policy on flavor. I seriously am loving this puppy.

A rig like this is screaming for a modest size dab of some 6 star greatness. I’d imagine there’s a perfect belly button perc in there getting it done errl day.

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Instafire series!