Law & Politics

When Washington’s Liquor Control Board released its draft rules, it ruled that cannabis extracts and concentrates (such as hash and hash oils) can’t be sold in retail channels, but can still be used (obviously) to make infused products. Now some are worried that there will be ‘infused products’ that are just extracts with a small amount of another ingredient to qualify as an infused product.

cannabis extract Source limits set on the amount of infused products one can purchase at a time are high, because they are intended for things like brownies or soda, so the fear is that people will be able to purchase several thousand dollars worth of something similar to hash in a single transaction. “When we set the 72-ounce limit [on infused liquids], we were thinking about marijuana juice or tea, not a high-potency extract like that,” said Alison Holcomb, the primary author of I-502. She also suggested that lawmakers could develop rules for the sale of extracts and concentrates before any stores open for business.