Cannabis 101

Here are three more words in the marijuana language as I’ve learned them (check out part one). Your dialect may be a bit different depending on where you live.

cheefing - marijuana language, Source:

He’s cheefing the shit out of those cigarettes.

4. Cheef
to smoke, or otherwise consume cannabis or tobacco: “I’m done with work, it’s time to cheef some herb.”

5. Kif, Kief
the fine, powdery trichomes of cannabis that gather in containers or grinders, typically pressed into hashish: “Check out how much kief has built up; sprinkle some of that mess on top of the next bowl, man.”

6. res, resin
black, tar-like substance that builds up inside weed paraphernalia after smoking. Can be scraped off and smoked to get high, but this is looked down upon in some circles: “Looks like I’m dry, but we can still smoke some res.”

You’ve more than likely heard these terms before, but if you define them differently leave a comment and let me know!

Marijuana Language Mini-Series:

  1. Part I
  2. Part II [this post]
  3. Part III
  4. Part IV
Categories: Cannabis 101, Features, Weed Lifestyle
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By: Lewis Hill. Permalink: permalink Shortlink: