Weed Lifestyle
Denver cannabis attorney Rob Corry legal cannabis club, Source: http://www.coloradostatesman.com/content/991672-patients-vs-prosecutors-medical-marijuana-hearing

Denver cannabis attorney Rob Corry

This morning I happened to come across a press release email blast announcing that Denver, Colorado is host to the first legal cannabis club in the United States. On January 1, 2013 at 4:20pm MST, Denver cannabis attorney Rob Corry will host the opening of “Club 64”, an appropriately named cannabis club that is currently invitation only.

As the email states, “Those involved with cannabis politics in Denver, all know and love Attorney Rob Corry. He is opening the first club today!” Club 64 has a website, which is only just a portal to apply for membership.

The application for the club comes with a Pay Pal donation of $29.99; no information is really provided on exactly what the process is from there.

The end of the release says the rest better then I possibly could. Contact information is even included!

“Club 64 is a legal cannabis club, the first of its kind since the voters of Colorado wisely cast off the shackles of Prohibition,” stated Corry. This will be a great way to ring in the New Year for Members, with music, dancing, conversation, and Cannabis.” For more information go to www.Club-64.com.


Robert J. Corry, Jr. Esq.
General Counsel, Club 64
600 Seventeenth Street Suite 2800 South Tower
Denver, Colorado 80202 USA
Cellular Telephone 720-629-7112