
Source: two most important factors in indoor pest prevention are air control and cleanliness. Never spray your crops with pesticides of any kind.

Many large-scale growers (both legal and illegal) use pesticides and/or fungicides as ‘pest prevention’ for their marijuana crops. With legal medical operations and mindful illegal operations this is limited to dipping new clones in the chemical(s) to repel pests.

With greedy illegal grows this is often followed by regular applications of pesticide and/or spraying near-mature plants that have become infested. While the later-applications and regular sprayings are obviously bad ideas, even the clone-dipping practice can leave traces of chemicals in the mature plant.

Have a look at this great pdf from the Center for Environmental Health for 10 great reasons not to use pesticides. This isn’t just for marijuana, everyone. The picture above is a strawberry field, and it is just as unacceptable. Luckily, the medical marijuana community has taken an unforced step forward. One that agricultural corporations have been avoiding for decades. Organic farming, where the only pesticides are predatory insects.

Most small-scale growers are aware of the fact that it is unnecessary to use any pesticides, at any point in the growth cycle, on any crop. Prevention is the best way to deal with pests, and the best way to prevent pests from taking up residence in your garden is to make it a place in which it is difficult for them to survive. No pesticides or other chemicals are required to do this.

Pest prevention is easy if the grow room is kept clean and the air is right.